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  1. S

    Sumproduct Error When calculating Results of a Time Duration

    SirJB7 rocks.. I believe that was the issue.. this didn't click my mind.. I'll keep a note of this one.. I corrected the format and bingo.. it worked.. Thanks a ton !!!!
  2. S

    Sumproduct Error When calculating Results of a Time Duration

    hahahaha you guys rock. I have read few forums and you guys have done a great job However, still I am not able to resolve the problem, any suggestion?
  3. S

    Sumproduct Error When calculating Results of a Time Duration

    Thanks SirJB7 for posting the table. I tried adding the table in the forum but wasn't able to. Also, thanks Luke, I did almost the same in my formula, I have a certain date, A particular agent name (whose data I am looking for) and overall product of time spent by him on chats. I am not sure...
  4. S

    Sumproduct Error When calculating Results of a Time Duration

    Hi Luke M, I have edited the post and shared the file too. I am not an excel master. See if you can help on this. I think it's a syntax error but not sure. Thanks, Shamit
  5. S

    Sumproduct Error When calculating Results of a Time Duration

    Hi, I am facing issues with the Sumproduct formula. I have an array of customer service data of few months. I am trying to calculate the handle time using the Sumproduct formula. Here is the link to the file - http://sdrv.ms/11YJdhw File name Raw Data + Calcs v.1 I have two data tables 1...