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  1. J

    Splitting cells according to no: of text separate by Atl+enter (Char(10))

    Thanks Wudixin Excellent I liked that as well. Could you explain please.
  2. J

    Splitting cells according to no: of text separate by Atl+enter (Char(10))

    Thanks MARC, very much appreciated. Excellent work But since I am new to VB, what was wrong in my approach and if you could explain your method line by line. Thanks once again
  3. J

    Splitting cells according to no: of text separate by Atl+enter (Char(10))

    I have this file where in column A the data are clubbed w.r.t to other columns. I need to split the value in a Column A on each cell rows into multiple rows by inserting rows and copy the remaining column data B onwards. I have started with this code below but now I am lost. Can you please help...
  4. J

    extract number with decimal from a sentence or words

    Hi everyone.. I have a problem for which I seek your help. I have daily reporting format given by construction and these contains comibination of qty and activity. One such e.g is below. Concrete pouring (2.84m3) in say cell A1 and.. concrete pouring for 1 part (3.4m3) concrete pouring for...