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Search results

  1. S

    Change Show Value As for Multiple Columns at Once in Pivot Tables

    As the title states, is this possible? I googled pretty much the same terms as the subject title and was unable to find anything close to my issue. I have around 20 columns and wanting to show total as percentage of column and it's cumbersome to do one column at a time. Any suggestions?
  2. S

    Excel 2010 Slicers and Charts

    Thanks for the reply Jason. After I click on the third slicer, the original bar chart is still there with the primary axis in tact. The secondary axis is cleared and I cannot see the line chart that was there. Avg price is there, but not as a secondary axis so it is not visibile. How do I...
  3. S

    run macro after clicking on slicer

    is it possible to start a macro after a certain Slicer value is clicked? Thank you!
  4. S

    Excel 2010 Slicers and Charts

    hello fellow Excel gurus. I have been stumped for weeks now trying to figure this problem out. In Excel 2010, I have three slicers connected to a pivot chart. It is a bar chart based off of units sold and avg price of the unit across 52 week periods. Weeks are on the X axis, and I add a...