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Search results

  1. rbobcat1

    Formula help Add Subtract negative number

    Ahhh.... playing around I got it... =Sum(A2:B2)
  2. rbobcat1

    Formula help Add Subtract negative number

    How do I get the proper difference Cell B1 '=SUM(B2-A2) = 226,789.34 But the true answer should be 2754.86 Cell A2 has a negative number -112,017.24 / Cell B2 has a positive number 114,772.10 How do I get the proper amount of 2754.86
  3. rbobcat1

    Format selected cell(s) with border

    I deleted the current module and started over then deleted the line like you recommended and it worked Thank you.. Point... Challenge... confused.
  4. rbobcat1

    Format selected cell(s) with border

    That doesn't work either
  5. rbobcat1

    Format selected cell(s) with border

    yes and just left it as Range(":").Select but that does not work
  6. rbobcat1

    Format selected cell(s) with border

    Having problem getting the code to work to create a dark bottom border on cells I select; The Range will only process in the "A1105:G1105" row of my sheet. I want it to work on whatever Row/Cell(s) I select. >>> use code - tags <<< 'Sub DarkUnderscore() ' ' DarkUnderscore Macro ' create dark...
  7. rbobcat1

    Formula added to VBA

    Can the below formula be put in VBA? I use it in a table and sometimes the formula gets accidentally messed up which causes a problem I also have to copy & paste the A? cell to hard code the number left after the date in C5 is entered. I have the formula in A5 and as lines are added it changes...
  8. rbobcat1

    Autodate change

    So I should have used Option Explicit? Thx
  9. rbobcat1

    Autodate change

    New to VBA and I cannot seem to get this to work. i am pretty sure it has to do with the first line If i enter something in column C i want it to put the date in D. Also when I change column F to 'Closed' I want it to put a date in G. >>> use code - tags <<< Private Sub...
  10. rbobcat1

    concatenate from columns to cells

    2019 '=CONCAT(B2,"/",B3,"/",B4)' should do the trick Older versions '=CONCATENATE(B2,"/",B3,"/",B4)'
  11. rbobcat1

    Row Highlight base on value

    All great Excel Ninjas, Need help fixing this conditional format. Seems I can only get the column to highlight the letters in 'Red' that meet a certain criteria. Column B is not a Boolean search it is only the results of an output using a powershell script. How do I get it to highlight the...
  12. rbobcat1

    Conditional format row based on cell contents

    I think i just answered my own question =AND(OR($B2="This",OR($C2="123"))) Is this the best formula?
  13. rbobcat1

    Conditional format row based on cell contents

    wow i cannot believe i missed that. i guess i was messing with it so much i messed up. How about another one, what if there is another criteria it must meet? for instance; if column b =this and column c has 123 I have notice when trying IF and =TEXT it kind of turn numbers in to garbage (see a13)
  14. rbobcat1

    Conditional format row based on cell contents

    uploaded file I even tried wildcards
  15. rbobcat1

    Conditional format row based on cell contents

    What formula would I use to highlight only those rows that contain abc? I have tried =$c2=”abc” I also tried Search and Find but they didn’t work either. column a column b column c FALSE TRUE abc.def.ghi.jkl FALSE TRUE 123.456.789.012 FALSE TRUE xyz.abc.def.ghi FALSE TRUE...
  16. rbobcat1


    Unfortunately all I have is IE on this system that is managed by someone else. IE 11.904.16299.0 Update versions: 11.0.105 (KB4480965) on a Win10 1709 (Build 16299.904)
  17. rbobcat1


    Hmmm, Thanks but not sure why the magnifying glass symbol is invisible. When I hovered my mouse indicates that there is something there but it cannot be seen. Also when I use Select All and highlight the entire page you can see something there. Maybe something the web master should look at.
  18. rbobcat1


    What happen to the search function on www.Chandoo.org/wp I tried to search for something but the search function is gone.
  19. rbobcat1

    count/sum formula

    How do can I make this add 8 for every 'a' it finds? =COUNTIF(E10:P10,"a")
  20. rbobcat1

    Count / Countif and Countifs

    uploded sheet
  21. rbobcat1

    Count / Countif and Countifs

    I wrote a formula to count a column only if it meets the right dates but all I get is a 0 zero formula =COUNTIFS(Sheet1!I:I,">="&Sheet2!$D$2,sheet1!H:H,"<="&sheet2!$G$2) I need to count I if it falls between the dates in H the dates are entered on sheet 2 cells d2 and g2 my formula above...
  22. rbobcat1

    Multiple/Dependent Dropdowns

    That works, guess i should have search Chandoo's a little deeper... Thx
  23. rbobcat1

    Multiple/Dependent Dropdowns

    Is there a way to have multiple but specific dropdowns? Column A has a series of letters A-Z for one dropdown. Column B has a series of numbers for a dropdown. Col A Col B A 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 Choices B 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 Choices C...
  24. rbobcat1

    Percentages & conditional format

    I have attached a better explanation