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Search results

  1. W

    CF Red if cell value omitted

    thank you Montrey!!
  2. W

    CF Red if cell value omitted

    Thank you Hui, I'm haveing trouble posting a file. Hope this makes sense. If cell, B2 is "F2" and B3 is "ps1" and B4 is "er1" and B5 is "er2" and B6 is "F1", I want to turn cell, B1 Red if "F2" or "er3" or "ps2" are not found withing the range B2:B25. Thanks again
  3. W

    CF Red if cell value omitted

    Hello, I tried searching for CF if value omitted but it didn't return any posts. I'm not sure if i know the right words to search. I'm trying ot find info on how to change a cell red via CF if a particular value is not found in a range of cells. Can anyone point me in the right direction...
  4. W

    How to format cell based on 2 conditions or Dual Conditional Formatting

    Hi, Can, I format A1 Red if A4 = 1 and A5 < 2? And then format A1 Yellow if A4 = 1 and A5 = 2
  5. W

    Can Excel count the number of alpha/numeric values in a given row or column?

    A1 A1 A1 AA AA Total AA = 2 Total A1 = 3 thanks
  6. W

    Can I assign numeric values to specific characters then count the total?

    Hello, Can I assign numberic values to specific alpha/numeric characters and then count the total in another cell. So aa=8, xi1=10, N2=12, then populate a columns with the desired characters and then total them at the bottom of the column.? thanks
  7. W

    How do I make rows stationary as i scroll down my spreadsheet?

    Hello, Please explain how to make the first 3 rows stationary as i scroll down my spreadsheet. Thank you. :)