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Search results

  1. C

    VBA to hide all blank worksheets

    Nebu- Thanks for your help! I attached the file but had to cut a lot of the data out to get under the 1MB limit. I have 83 vendors total but the same process would need to apply to those worksheets and any new vendors we may add in the future. So in the file provided, I would be looking for...
  2. C

    VBA to hide all blank worksheets

    I have been searching online but cannot seem to find an answer to this. I have an order sheet that has all of my vendors listed on separate worksheets. We do not order from every vendor during every order period so some sheets will end up being blank. I would like a macro to run that hides...
  3. C

    "If cell contains a String of text" in an Array formula

    That works perfectly! Thank you. I had the two ranges flip flopped for the SEARCH function and assumed I was way off. Thanks again
  4. C

    "If cell contains a String of text" in an Array formula

    Hi all, I have been recently learning more and more about arrays to implement into my spreadsheets and now have them functioning! What I cannot seem to figure out is how to set the criteria for an array to function if it is searching for a certain portion of a cell, not the entire cell. Below...