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Search results

  1. S

    Macro to copy and save sheet

    Thanks, Luke. Worked like a charm. Any suggestions on good books to learn VBA? Best, Steve
  2. S

    Macro to copy and save sheet

    HI All, I am having a little problem and need some help from the experts. I have a workbook that contains one tab for data and two additional tabs for reports. Within the report tabs are check boxes. I am trying to create a macro that would allow the user the option to save an individual...
  3. S

    Incrementally increasing ID#

    Excellent, Hui! Thanks a bunch. I read this blog and forum daily and really appreciate all the knowledge you provide. All the Best
  4. S

    Incrementally increasing ID#

    It should increase by one, depending on how many previous "R" entries there are.
  5. S

    Incrementally increasing ID#

    Hi All, I need help! I have a data table and I would like a unique ID# assigned to each new entry based on 3 criteria. I have already constructed the 1st two parts of the ID#, but cannot figure out how to increase the number based on previous entries. Example: First part of ID#...