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  1. R

    macro code updating from another macro (if that makes sense)

    I really appreciate all your help, Bond, but I must say, this is an overkill for me :) even if I enable Forms 2.0, I'm afraid it won do me any good as I can't understand it. yet. If anyone reads this and has the same issue, yes, I am running Win7 32bit, not by choice. I shall return when I...
  2. R

    macro code updating from another macro (if that makes sense)

    @ SirJB7 I was able to find "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3" - was unchecked; but cannot find "Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library". Im running Office Professional Plus 2010. - Visual Basic For Applications - Microsoft Excel 14.0 Object Library - OLE Automation -...
  3. R

    macro code updating from another macro (if that makes sense)

    Thanks for the document. With the weekend coming up, I will have time to open a beer and go through it. I am joining the class here on chandoo, but that is a project for next month, as I want to have the time it requires. I don't like taking shortcuts, like I just did with this post, but I...
  4. R

    macro code updating from another macro (if that makes sense)

    Thank you Dave, but I don't understand technically what you are saying, as I am just at the tip of the iceberg called VBA. It sounds to me like what I want to achieve, but I need to study a bit more to know what I need to do. I can't say, therefore, that it has been solved, but I have the...
  5. R

    macro code updating from another macro (if that makes sense)

    @ Dave - I want to keep the initial timestamp, and the last timestamp. Example: Team A is working on a task to migrate 12K users from mailsystem1 to mailsystem2. There will be some temporary db set up, servers, the works. This task will take 2 weeks. There are weekly updates to the task...
  6. R

    macro code updating from another macro (if that makes sense)

    @ DaveTurton: thanks for the suggestion, I have little experience with loops but I understand what a loop basically is and I think it's the right approach, as I am starting with certain cell positions, but after several inserts, there is no real way of knowing where the ranges should be...
  7. R

    macro code updating from another macro (if that makes sense)

    Thank you for all the replies, I find it really nice when random humans help other random humans, just because. Now, further deeper into my proposal. @ SirJB7, i tried your updating code, just to see what it does, and i get "undefined variable: vbext_pk_Proc " just FYI. @ everyone: I...
  8. R

    macro code updating from another macro (if that makes sense)

    Hi, I may have a design problem. Also lacking advanced excel/VBA, I may approach the problem in a wrong way, and I am asking for some help in this regard. What I want: I want to track multiple teams that each handle several tasks groupped in several categories. This is supposed to be a live...
  9. R

    Conditional formatting for due dates and over due dates

    Hi, I am obviously new to the forum. @bobhc: I am sorry for "hijacking" I just wanted to keep things relevant. I shall hence desist from such actions. Thanks for the heads-up. @ Chandoo: thanks for the help! See you in class soon ;)
  10. R

    Conditional formatting for due dates and over due dates

    Hi, I am working with EXCEL a bit more than summing and "student work" for a while now, and trying to circumvent a good while learning syntax :) so: I have a slightly similar task at hand. I have a workbook with several sheets. In the first sheet I reference a lot of data from the other...