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Search results

  1. J

    VBA assistance - Changing search from all spreadsheets to just one

    Greetings, I apologize, now and in the future I will put together a sample and share for review. I tried that quick fix that was mentioned (That would have been great if that was it. Unfortunately didn't resolve my error) I'll have one up for review as quick as I can. Thank you again...
  2. J

    VBA assistance - Changing search from all spreadsheets to just one

    Greetings, I'm working with a spreadsheet that has embedded VBA and it works great if it's searching all spreadsheets in the workbook, unfortunately only need to search one sheet titled "DATA" and receiving errors because I have objects in other sheets. I've tried playing around the VBA but...
  3. J

    Force cell references to go in order when dealing with hidden rows

    Greetings, Hopefully there is a secret to this. I have a spreadsheet where I have hidden rows based on criteria. For example Columns 7920,31520,34153 etc. are shown, the rest are not. I am trying to link another column of data on a different spreadsheet but when I copy the formula, instead...
  4. J

    Copy a range of cells and paste X times based on # variable

    Spot on, amazing. Thanks Luke! Signed, JH
  5. J

    Copy a range of cells and paste X times based on # variable

    Greetings, Haven't been able to quite figure out how to do this, probably VBA required. I have data that is on Sheet2 that covers A1:G5, based on a # variable either linked to a cell or a pop-up box that would appear, It would copy this range X times on the same sheet with 1 row separations...
  6. J

    Tiered Calculation Question

    Dear Fred, I was thinking way too complicated, thank you for sharing the light. Solved my issue, thanks!
  7. J

    Tiered Calculation Question

    Greetings, New member here, ran across this website researching Excel and must say a terrific resource, thank you for providing it. I’ve been trying to solve this one for awhile now and hoping the community can help me. I’m building a spreadsheet where you key in a dollar amount (Ex...