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  1. B

    Time pie chart within cell

    Nevermind, Chnadoo's prior answer applies. Thanks for the help.
  2. B

    Time pie chart within cell

    How is this created, though?
  3. B

    Time pie chart within cell

    The file can be seen now at http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15581846/Pies.xlsx to see what is actually there.
  4. B

    Time pie chart within cell

    Will upload file soon. You are correct, if you put in any number between 1 and 12, the chart will round to the nearest quarter.
  5. B

    Time pie chart within cell

    I received a spreadsheet with a pie type progress chart contained within the cell. It is divided into quarters. Put 3 in the cell and 25% of the pie is shaded. put in 9 and 75% is shaded. 12 and 100% and so on. What is this and how do I chnage it to read more than just quarter segments? Can I...