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  1. X

    Macro to change file name daily

    Activeworkbook.SaveAs "myfile_" & Format(Date,"yyyy_mm_dd")
  2. X


    See http://www.xldynamic.com/source/xld.xlFAQ0004.html
  3. X

    Time Formats

    Another way if you are happy with a calculated column =--TEXT(SUBSTITUTE(A2,".",":"),"hh:mm") and format as hh:mm
  4. X

    Time Formats

    Screws it up, in what way? Does it mess the numbers, or just leave it as text?
  5. X

    Time Formats

    Do a Find & Replace (ctrl-H), and replace . with :
  6. X

    creating a pop up message

    Create yourself a picture with your required text in it and embed the image on the form.
  7. X

    creating a pop up message

    I have posted an example at http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4911716/SplashScreen%20-%203%20-%20Fading.xls
  8. X

    True or False, Is It Possible To Convert An Excel Module To A Stand Alone App?

    If you are going to use With, might as well use it throughout <br /> Set objXLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")<br /> With objxlapp</p> <p> .Visible=False<br /> .Workbooks.Add</p> <p> With .Activesheet</p&#62...
  9. X

    sum product clarification

    If you change A22 to say A123, you will see that your formula in returns 9, which is the 3+4 for D76 and D78, but also includes the 2 for A123. The OP never said every other row would be blank, just that there might be some interspersed blanks where the value was contained.
  10. X

    sum product clarification

    You don't have 1 cell less, it starts 1 cell earlier and ends one cell later. That is so that it can check 2 rows in the same set of tests.
  11. X

    sum product clarification

    Ry this =SUMPRODUCT(((LEFT($A$12:$A$200,1)="A")*$B$12:$B$200)+(($A$12:$A$200="")*(LEFT($A$11:$A$199,1)="A")*$B$12:$B$200))
  12. X

    sum product clarification

    Try =SUMPRODUCT(--((LEFT($C$12:$C$1000,1)="C")+($C$12:$C$1000="")),$D$12:$D$1000) etc.
  13. X

    Convert text to formula

    Be aware that this will not cause an automatic recalculation, but it can be forced by adding something like &TEXT(TODAY(),"") to you formula.
  14. X

    compare two column data and display which is missing

  15. X

    Macro for saving workbook based on data string in cell A1

    <br /> Activeworkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Range("A1").Value<br />
  16. X

    How Do I Select The Active Cell Row (But Not The Entire Row)?

    Do you mean you want to select all cells with data in it? <br /> Dim rng As Range</p> <p> Set rng = ActiveCell.EntireRow.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)<br /> MsgBox rng.Address<br />
  17. X

    Data correlation between sheets

    Can you post a workbook to look at?
  18. X

    SumProduct to Count Non-Printable Characters below Code(32)

    You would need VBA for that, and you could maybe use regular expressions to check for ASC(<32). But beware ... Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems. ~~ Jamie Zawinski
  19. X

    named ranges

    change RefersTo of brdate to =OFFSET('BR 8-14'!$D$3,0,0,COUNTA('BR 8-14'!$D:$D)-COUNTA('BR 8-14'!$D$1:$D$2),1)
  20. X

    Calculating GROWTH

    How about =ABS(prevQtr-thisQtr)/100
  21. X

    Vlookup in Subtotal = Problems...... Address in Subtotal = Problems :(

    Show us what you have, and maybe a data sample.
  22. X


    Can you post some sample data so we can see what it looks like?
  23. X

    copying specific text from one cell and pasting in the next column, same row

    Exactly Hui, I despair of the self-centredness of such people thinking we are all just here to be at their beck and call.
  24. X

    copying specific text from one cell and pasting in the next column, same row

    This guy has cross-posted this at ExcelGuru http://bit.ly/em05qF
  25. X

    Conditional Format Question

    Just use CF with a formula of =C5-K5>100 and format as required