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  1. juanito

    Converting files to values

    Vijay - it turns out that for an unrelated issue I was recently (but before I migrated to v2007) told to save the personal.xls file to the following address in my PC: C:Documents and Settings"juanito"Application DataMicrosoftExcelXLSTART Now is that the wrong place and could that be causing...
  2. juanito

    Converting files to values

    Vijay - that was great! One thing - do we need to change the code so it converts v2007 files too?
  3. juanito

    Converting files to values

    I sent the invite for 1pm euro-time - I think that's 5 or 6 your time John
  4. juanito

    Converting files to values

    Haven't got teamviewer (I have got gotomeeting though). I've sent a screenshot to your facebook address. Thanks
  5. juanito

    Converting files to values

    No... ran it with a folder with 2 or 3 v2003 files and it gave a 1004 error on file1 sheet1.
  6. juanito

    Converting files to values

    Yes, that might be it then. I'm running 2007, but I've only just upgraded from 2003 so I'll have a mix of xls and xlsx to convert. I looked at your code and did wonder if that could have something to do with it. If you could tell me the change I need to make to the VBA that'd be great -...
  7. juanito

    Converting files to values

    Vijay - I'm not a VBA user so I've probably made some beginner's errors. I set up a trial folder to test your code and had a few failures and one success - without being able to see what I'd done right. Now I'm consistently failing! I opened a new workbook, opened VBA and copied your code...
  8. juanito

    Converting files to values

    Thanks Vijay!
  9. juanito

    Converting files to values

    Thanks Vijay - that's probably how it'll need to be done. I don't have much macro experience but that's my problem now! John
  10. juanito

    Converting files to values

    Hi Luke, I want all the formulas to convert to values, that's all. Could do it with paste special but it's a lot of workbooks with a lot of sheets - there must be a more efficient way. Thanks.
  11. juanito

    Converting files to values

    I have a folder with a lot of Excel files, of the coporate year-end reporting sort. I need to convert all of them to values. Do I really have to do this workbook by workbook, sheet by sheet? Any shortcuts please?
  12. juanito

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi - Juanito here, aka John. I just started hanging around here and gradually became addicted. Some of the stuff I know a lot about, and some of the stuff is all new! Looking forward to getting to know you all.