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  1. C

    scheduling sheet [SOLVED]

    I would create a UDF. In VBA create a module, and paste the following in: Public Function sumarray(Lookup As Date, Table As Range) Dim numcols As Integer Dim numrows As Integer Dim runningsum As Double Dim checkdate As Date numcols = Table.Columns.Count numrows = Table.Rows.Count If numrows...
  2. C

    Listing unique records

    Add VBA script to refresh the pivot table automatically: sub worksheet_change() ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotCache.Refresh end sub
  3. C

    Macro To Get the elapsed time to complete a particular work.

    https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0di3bZpuEb0emVnbi1oWWVoV3M/edit?usp=sharing This uses some cells to hold the start time and elapsed time, as well as the data for the list. When you choose the dropdown list, it runs the macro to do the work.
  4. C

    Error in VB Scripting

    There is only one file in the TESTING folder? If there are more, they all need the AdvanceFilter and ReadyReport macro in them. What line exactly is it failing on?
  5. C

    Listing unique records

    I would use a pivot table. There are going to be other ways, but this will likely be the simplest. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0di3bZpuEb0dEpkOUdKTGFpYjg/edit?usp=sharing
  6. C

    Check Box Concept [SOLVED]

    Are you looking for the box that was checked most recently, or the highest number checkbox? What do you want to happen when you uncheck a box? https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0di3bZpuEb0VXlJMDZMVEhiSVk/edit?usp=sharing This will show the A-E in cell A1. I'm having the checkboxes link to...
  7. C


    Likewise, I hope that any Jews out there have a happy Pesach (Passover) and all my Christian brothers and sisters have a peace filled Holy week!
  8. C

    Copy Data ( Specifics Range ) From Closed Workbook/Excel File

    The fastest way to learn how is to probably record a macro, do what you want it to do, and then modify it so that it will copy to the right place in future cases. If you need some suggestions beyond that, continue on: You can tell excel to open the other spreadsheets, copy the data, and then...
  9. C

    pad text cells

    Used this for work, thought someone else might be able to... If you are using a fixed-width font to make a report, and you need to put in a variable number of spaces based on the contents, you can use rept(" ",10-len(A1)), for example. However, if you are using concatenation and vlookup for a...
  10. C

    Weather history

    Hello, I needed to get the weather history to do some work for my site. Weather underground will supply data is CSV for 1 day at a time. I needed 3 years worth, so that wouldn't work. I made a workbook with a VBA script to pull the data for a range. Now that I have the data, I have no...