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  1. G

    Data Extract from a Text File into Excel

    please consider my post as "DATA inside a text into a excel" its different issue........
  2. G

    Data Extract from a Text File into Excel

    thank you very much NARAYANK991,,,,thanks a lot.... i got the exact result which i expected.... u saved my effort in typing all the list from that input text data. similar to this problem i have posted "DATA inside a text into a excel" if u can send me ur mail id to my mail...
  3. G

    DATA inside a text into a excel

    no sir,,its different input data,,the input data is different which i posted earlier... please do the needfulll sir.........
  4. G

    DATA inside a text into a excel

    dEAR Team, http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=g3ef39bd28265597b999243782959e40c36dbf2812 In this problem, i have posted two files 1)input data1 and 2 )required output data. Example: This is a data present under a DTC ( DTC 060Ah ) " Diagnostic mode DTC 060Ah Fault type : F1h...
  5. G

    Data Extract from a Text File into Excel

    and also please explain me where to insert that input text file and how to run the macro
  6. G

    Data Extract from a Text File into Excel

    http://i49.tinypic.com/2vkcf2x.png please tell where put the input test file ,,as i am new to use ms ecxel 2010.please guide me to use this valuable macro ,,i have attached the picture wheni opened the macro...
  7. G

    Data Extract from a Text File into Excel

    explain me where to put the input.txt file and how to run the macro to get the excel data list
  8. G

    Data Extract from a Text File into Excel

    Dear Narayaan, First thank u very much for the very good job,,,,u soolved many of my time consumption,,,,,as request there are few datas which are missing i mentioned them in red colour. please can u correct them.and as a humble request if u can give me your email id ..it will be very usefull...
  9. G

    Data Extract from a Text File into Excel

    kindly some one help me to solve this
  10. G

    Data Extract from a Text File into Excel

    in the text file: 6.1.1 P0001 – Fuel Volume Regulator Control Actuator DTC 0001h Fuel Volume Regulator Control Actuator Fault Type Description ABC Type 73h No Motion Detected in response to Opening the Component 72h No Motion Detected in response to Closing the Component 98h...
  11. G

    Data Extract from a Text File into Excel

    and kind request,,please post the answer in fileconvey.com. i am will be gratefull if my problem is solved :)
  12. G

    Data Extract from a Text File into Excel

    if u still not access my file,,i will send my file in another link today evening
  13. G

    Data Extract from a Text File into Excel

    dear team, sorry for the inconvenience, i can access only fileconvey.com. or please give some other link which was not listed. the problem is mentioned is my huge task ,,like this i have many,,if u can give soultion to this,,i can slove many prob similar to this task,,,infact i will post...
  14. G

    Data Extract from a Text File into Excel

    I will explain my requirement : i have a TEXT file ,in which number of datas ar present as P001,P0002 ETC.. in each P001, i need to extract "DTC"+"Fault type" in a coloumn and "specific snapshot" in another coloumn. Please find the link below...
  15. G

    Data search inside a cell

    can u please provide me the link in fileconvey.com,because this web only i cab aable to access in my office
  16. G

    Data search inside a cell

    Dear team, Kindly use this attachment: As a info,: ","operator used to include "the list of characters" under a "X" for example : X2/a,b means both a nd b are under X2(ie.X2/a,b = X2/a X2/b) http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=g6dac57b184610d22999232520f67553951a627f4e Edit by Hui...
  17. G

    Data search inside a cell

    Problem Description: For each data in colA, i want to search a specific criteria in ColB and put the search result in ColC. ColA ColB ColC...
  18. G

    Data Concatenation- Guna

    Hi Luke, Thanks for your macro code. This is working very well. I am new to learning of macro tool. Kindly explain me the important points or lesson to be remember in this coding. and also while i use this coding, when i run the macro second time data is shortened by one digit, when i run...
  19. G

    Data Concatenation- Guna

    Dear Chandoo, I am Gunasekaran B. I attended your Excel Training Program. Now, I have an issue in my work. The work is very much time consuming. So, please guide me to create a Macro tool for this automation. Input : Coloumn A 1 DTC 0001h 2 72h 3 73h 4 98h 1)...