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Search results

  1. tarynmahon

    VLOOKUP if value appears in any column /or IF(OR( ???

    No unfortunately not, each sheet is a months worth of data averaging 130000 lines each and ending on column AK
  2. tarynmahon

    VLOOKUP if value appears in any column /or IF(OR( ???

    Can anyone help with this please?
  3. tarynmahon

    VLOOKUP if value appears in any column /or IF(OR( ???

    Ahhh a problem, in my example above, I simplified the data in order to understand any answers I was given but instead of there being multiple columns to look up ie. A2:D2, it's actually different sheets on the same workbook, how would I account for that please? Also, there is no (-) I was just...
  4. tarynmahon

    VLOOKUP if value appears in any column /or IF(OR( ???

    Brilliant Haseeb A that worked for me, unfortunately Hui yours didnt but I think thats probably down to the way that I wrote the Lookup Ref Thank you all for your help :-)
  5. tarynmahon

    VLOOKUP if value appears in any column /or IF(OR( ???

    A, B, C, D, E, Lookup Ref 129 123 126 130 Bread - 123 122 123 122 122 Orange - 122 120 118 124 127 Grape - 121 119 119 123 124 Mars - 120 So, in column F, I want to look up the "Lookup Ref" and return the value in column E, if the "Lookup Ref" appears in either...
  6. tarynmahon

    Find and Replace * but not using it as a Wildcard ???

    Wow you really must be a Ninja to depict a pint of beer with grammar symbols... either that or you have far too much time on your hands! Thanks Bobhc, Im sure it will come in very handy
  7. tarynmahon

    Find and Replace * but not using it as a Wildcard ???

    Thank you, I thought there must be some simple way that I was missing! Many Thanks
  8. tarynmahon

    Find and Replace * but not using it as a Wildcard ???

    I have a list of data that goes something as follows; AB01*TG AB02*TG AB03*TG AB04*TG I need to find and replace the * with _ as its in the wrong format for me to do a look up on, the problem is the Find and Replace function is automatically treating the * as a wildcard and therefore...
  9. tarynmahon

    Count unique values if Multiple Criteria are met ?

    I've just tried it with data refs and it works a treat, Montrey is right, you are an Excel Ninja!!!! Thank you so much! :-)
  10. tarynmahon

    Count unique values if Multiple Criteria are met ?

    Im still waiting for this formula to calculate to see if it works but I substituted your data refs with Column refs, Im assuming after waiting about 7 minutes that this formula does not work for column references? ie. A:A rather than A4:A13?
  11. tarynmahon

    Count unique values if Multiple Criteria are met ?

    I need a formula that will do as the title suggests, example data as follows; A B C D SUR391PMC ADON Supplier A Web SUR391PMC ADON Supplier A Web SUR395PMC PC Supplier B Call Centre SUR395PMC ADON Supplier B Call Centre SUR395PMC...