Ahhh a problem, in my example above, I simplified the data in order to understand any answers I was given but instead of there being multiple columns to look up ie. A2:D2, it's actually different sheets on the same workbook, how would I account for that please?
Also, there is no (-) I was just...
Brilliant Haseeb A that worked for me, unfortunately Hui yours didnt but I think thats probably down to the way that I wrote the Lookup Ref
Thank you all for your help :-)
A, B, C, D, E, Lookup Ref
129 123 126 130 Bread - 123
122 123 122 122 Orange - 122
120 118 124 127 Grape - 121
119 119 123 124 Mars - 120
So, in column F, I want to look up the "Lookup Ref" and return the value in column E, if the "Lookup Ref" appears in either...
Wow you really must be a Ninja to depict a pint of beer with grammar symbols... either that or you have far too much time on your hands!
Thanks Bobhc, Im sure it will come in very handy
I have a list of data that goes something as follows;
I need to find and replace the * with _ as its in the wrong format for me to do a look up on, the problem is the Find and Replace function is automatically treating the * as a wildcard and therefore...
Im still waiting for this formula to calculate to see if it works but I substituted your data refs with Column refs, Im assuming after waiting about 7 minutes that this formula does not work for column references? ie. A:A rather than A4:A13?
I need a formula that will do as the title suggests, example data as follows;
SUR391PMC ADON Supplier A Web
SUR391PMC ADON Supplier A Web
SUR395PMC PC Supplier B Call Centre
SUR395PMC ADON Supplier B Call Centre