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Search results

  1. B

    INDIRECT formula doesn't work [SOLVED]

    Hello to all, I'm using an INDIRECT formule to refer to a cell reference in another tab. When the name of the tab is 1 word (example: table1), there is no problem at all. I get the specific cell content from the tab with name table1. The problem arises when the name consists of more then one...
  2. B

    Transposing multiple tables to 1 pivot [SOLVED]

    Hi Faseeh, This works great! I'm sure I didn't manage to make this. Thank you very much! Brems
  3. B

    Transposing multiple tables to 1 pivot [SOLVED]

    Hi Faseeh, The solution you offer seems fine to me. VBA isn't necessary at this stage. For the future, I may be looking back in the way I need to organise my data in order to work with it more easily. Thanks in advance.
  4. B

    Transposing multiple tables to 1 pivot [SOLVED]

    Hi Faseeh, It changes from time to time. Not daily regards
  5. B

    Transposing multiple tables to 1 pivot [SOLVED]

    Hi, On a daily basis I'm putting in some data in an excel sheet. I've made an example file to clarify... We have 10 categories For each category there's an amount of emails that comes in daily: IN For each category there's an amout of emails that gets processed daily: OUT And of course...
  6. B

    Combine SumProduct with SumIfs

    Hi Hui, Works perfect! Thanks a lot. Learned something from it. ;-)
  7. B

    Combine SumProduct with SumIfs

    Hi Hui, Thanks for your welcome. I posted the sample sheet on google docs and have set the properties to shared. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkUCb6qKhWrZdEVhRnJ0d1NzcHN3aEd5Y3JjYzl3Tmc
  8. B

    Combine SumProduct with SumIfs

    Hi, I want to calculate the weighted average pricing of each category and therefore I use SumProduct but instead of selecting the cells for each category I want to use SumIfs together with SumProduct to do it for me. It would be more correct and much quicker. Below is an example of the data...