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Search results

  1. K

    Please help with nested IF/AND/OR formula

    Woohoo, I used Robopottamus and GCExcel's suggestions as a jumping-off point and got it to work! Here's the formula in case others might benefit from it: =IF(AND(C4="D01",I4<50),I4,IF(AND(C4="D08",I4<50),I4,IF(AND(C4="D01",I4>=50),50,IF(AND(C4="D08",I4>=50),50,"")))) I was...
  2. K

    Please help with nested IF/AND/OR formula

    Okay, now I'm more confused: both of your formulas return only the word "TRUE" or the word "FALSE"! I'm not getting a numeric return at all...hmmm...I'll work on these and see if I can get a value or blank to return. Thanks for the input, I'm sure we're close! Kim
  3. K

    Please help with nested IF/AND/OR formula

    Thank you, Rob! Unfortunately, this is another employee's spreadsheet that isn't terribly efficient and I was trying to help the end-users (data-entry personnel) by making it a bit more user-friendly; a formula change might not feel like a threat to her, but I think a new column/worksheet...
  4. K

    Please help with nested IF/AND/OR formula

    Hello! I need help with what will probably be a very simple forumla for most of you. Here is the problem: I have a dropdown box with approximately twenty codes meaningful to my company in it, i.e., D01, D02, D08, D09, D10, D99, etc. The final code is NA, and is to be selected when there is...