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  1. J

    Getting items with required Raw in next Sheet

    Hi, I understand you want to count the number of occurrences of the file in Sheet2. Please consider pivoting this data. Jeanbar
  2. J

    Find if 2 sets of times overlap calculate time overlapped even through midnight

    Sam, Thanks for your comment. The formula for available staff (based on the above information) is: {=SUM((RC3>=INDEX(T_SHIFT;;3))*(RC3<=INDEX(T_SHIFT;;4))*(RC4>=INDEX(T_SHIFT;;3))*(RC4<=INDEX(T_SHIFT;;4))*(INDEX(T_SHIFT;;5)="ON"))} CSE formula, of course!
  3. J

    Identify minimum staffing based on shift hours

    Narajan, I understood it the other way round: the status of "ON" means that the person is on-duty in this particular shift and off-duty outside the period. So in the shift 0300-0600 there is nobody available with the data provided. Perhaps Pjb could confirm ?
  4. J

    help needed in getting values to end in 0,5 or 9

    Interesting, My try (less text processing, more maths): =RC1-(MOD(RC1*100,10)-CHOOSE(MOD(RC1*100,10)+1,0,5,5,5,5,5,9,9,9,9))/100 Jeanbar
  5. J

    Identify minimum staffing based on shift hours

    Narajan, Are you sure of your last line ? Hours Total Staff Actual Count ... 0300-0600 ..... 7 ..... 2 Shoudn't it be zero ?
  6. J

    Identify minimum staffing based on shift hours

    Pjb, I posted an answer to your question in another post http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/find-if-2-sets-of-times-overlap-calculate-time-overlapped-even-through-midnight?replies=19#post-14236 The crux of the problem is to manage the shift period crossing 2 days.
  7. J

    Find if 2 sets of times overlap calculate time overlapped even through midnight

    Narajan, You are right! Thanks for pointing this out. I tried to remove the extra text but failed to edit my post. (Sorry for that). However, the beginning of the post do answer Sam's question (before the tables' description)
  8. J

    Find if 2 sets of times overlap calculate time overlapped even through midnight

    As NARAYANK991 explained, the data and time is a decimal number made of 2 parts: - The date itself is the integer part of this number - The time is the decimal part of this number So the data number 40831.375 is "15/10/2011 09:00:00" where - The integer part (40831) is "15/10/2011" =...