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  1. K

    Count tasks outstanding for more than x no. days, or between x and x no. of days

    Thanks. In the end I now have 4 helper columns!! Got there in the end.
  2. K

    Count tasks outstanding for more than x no. days, or between x and x no. of days

    I've come up with this in a helper column: =IF(E6<>"",IF(E6<='2.2 Status'!$C$5,(DATEDIF(E6,'2.2 Status'!$C$5,"d")),0),0) but that only tells me how long an issue has been open - i.e. it counts the number of days all cases have been opened. How can I count only the ones where...
  3. K

    Count tasks outstanding for more than x no. days, or between x and x no. of days

    Hi I already have that as one of my tables. But what I want is more info on the tasks themselves i.e. of the ones that are open - how many have been open for x amount of days. The project already know that they have 27 open tasks - but now they want to know how long they have been waiting...
  4. K

    Count tasks outstanding for more than x no. days, or between x and x no. of days

    Hi all I have a project task list, and I am trying to produce a dashboard summary sheet. One of the items would be to count the number of tasks which remain uncompleted against the following criteria Issues open longer than 90 days Issues open between 60 and 89 days Issues open between 30...
  5. K

    Which is best formula to achieve the result I want?

    Luke M - you are my saviour! The ranges were of unequal sizes - one cell out! doh! All working perfectly and my dashboard looks - pretty! Many thanks K
  6. K

    Which is best formula to achieve the result I want?

    Hi I have a project actions and issues log. I have a range named "status" with dropdown lists for open, closed, development etc. I have a ranged named "actionopendate" with the dates the action started. I have a dashboard and I want to count the number of actions that are open that started...
  7. K

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    As a Project Manager I've used loads of tips and hints from Chandoo over the past couple of years - but have never used the forum before. I have a problem I haven't been able to solve - basic but annoying. Will be hanging around here often though :-) K