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Search results

  1. G

    Automatically Detecting Common number errors between two lists

    Greetings Narayan My thoughts are that the process would only work with a check for each number from the first list with all the numbers in the second list - slow but faster than a manual lookup process. In practice for most accounting work the matching would not be too onerous, as the...
  2. G

    Automatically Detecting Common number errors between two lists

    Indeed I am - have not got very far by myself Thanks and Regards
  3. G

    Automatically Detecting Common number errors between two lists

    Thanks for the reply Narayan. No real list yet, more exploring what could be done using VBA. I suppose that a first scan would easily eliminate all matches, then a more intensive analysis could be done on what does not match. But you are right, if one list contained tens of thousands of...
  4. G

    Automatically Detecting Common number errors between two lists

    One idea I have had is to have a way of automatically detecting transposed digits in bank statement reference numbers, or numbers wrongly entered by those with poor eyesight. Most errors where statement reference numbers do not match with account numbers are likely to be caused by two numbers...
  5. G

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi Gordon from New Zealand Found the site looking for Excel Tutorials for my son who has just started work and is looking to automate a number of Excel tasks. Very interested myself in use of Excel in Geo-coding and handling large Digital Terrain datasets Thanks and regards