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Search results

  1. D

    If Function test

    Hi Guys, It's pretty late in the day and my brain is fried so i need your help. I need a basic test to check a few new starters' understanding of the If function. it can be as random as you like. If there is a twist, it would be even better. but bare in mind, these guys are pretty young and...
  2. D

    Dates display in filters

    Thanks a lot guys. I will use this method for the time being until I figure it out.
  3. D

    Dates display in filters

    Hi, This might be a silly question but I can't seem to figure this out on excel 2003 to save my life. I have a corporate spreadsheet that lists each job by the date it was completed on. There is a filter on the data and it isn't a pivot table. How can I group the dates in to the month so...
  4. D

    Month Formula help

    Thanks a lot Hui! I am going to attempt this now and get back to you
  5. D

    Month Formula help

    Hi guys, Need your help again with a formula/VBA whatever does that trick https://rapidshare.com/files/3751539526/sample1.xls Here is the sample worksheet. Basically I need to produce a similar chart to show only four months worth of payments. Each month we will have a new figure and in...
  6. D

    Chart with 4 month figures and a yearly total stack column

    Hi, I would really appreciate any help from you experts! Here it goes. I have to present data in a chart for the last fout months and give the running total for the year seperately. si it would be like this: Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Applied £24 £27...