Hi.. All :)
I tried to write a query which can extract my data from Ms access database
I have two tables namely dbo_users and dbo_SupplierUsers
My question is :
1 ) I need to search SupplierCode in dbo_SupplierUsers, once it found it should return the UserCode (might be more than one user)...
Dear All
Once again i need your expertise advise on the below issue
I am new to Dashboards and i can create small graphs and other reports. I am very much familiar with Excel Formulas, Excel VBA and other MS office products. Now i got one problem that, one of my boss requested me to design a...
Dear Jayadev
Can you please elaborate more about your requirement. If you want to learn offset formula, this site has so much stuff. Just search offset within this site, you will find more about offset along with some cool tips & tricks
I tried this to post in Outllook forums and searched a lot for getting solution. But I was unable to get the solution. So finally I decided to post this in this forum. If it is not compatible with this forum, then I request forum moderators to delete this post
My problem was, daily...
Dear ..Ramesh
Please try this code.. and let me know the status. (Change code as per your requirement)
Sub DataFilter_No_Due_Date()
Dim wkb As Workbook
Dim sWks As Worksheet
Dim rWks As Worksheet
Dim fltRng As Range
Dim criRng As Range
Set wkb = ActiveWorkbook...
Dear.. Ramesh
You can achieve this by Advance filter method in Excel VBA.. Please search this forum, you will get it..
Meanwhile I am preparing code for you... :)
I just put round function in that formula
Now its working.. if is there wrong in this .. then please let me know
Dear Narayank...
But there is small problem.. If I put in cell D2 (Inventory Stock) as 500, and in cell E2 ( Daily Production Requirement) as 216, then it shows in three columns 216,216,216. But if we sum the qty, its around 648. So it gives error. It should display in only two cells instead...
It seems, you have one space between number and Character. So you can use Text To Columns option to make it. Numbers in one column and text in another column.. Please try
I am puzzled with one question. I need to prepare a planning Template, in which as per the production qty, inventory qty should be distributed equllay to other cells. For example
I have a inventory stock of a item AA is 1000, and my daily production requirement is 100. So the 1000 qty...
Which type of theme you are talking about... Is that office Theme ?? or any other. If it is office theme, it will apply not only in excel but also in other office products like word,outlook,access etc...
If you want to put a theme for different sheets, you can select sheet background option, It...
Dear James..
I will prefer. to have a good understanding regarding Absolute & Relative references. They will play vital role while applying formulas in other cells/ranges.
As you mentioned above... A1 became A$1 (That means you make Row Absolute and column relative reference) if you tried this...
Hi.. karthik
You can do this by referencing the varaibles.. like if you have email address text box, to capture the mail address which the user entered, you can declare a variable like dim EmailAddr as string and capture the text box value.
more or less same.. below. Here we instruct text box...
Yes.. you can achieve this by conditional formatting, just click format button while applying formula.. in that click Font tab on the above.. and select bold option and other options also
Dear GB
If you want remove the data link from external source, then you can follow these below steps:
Click Data tab, edit links and remove/change source links.
Dear Kaiser..
You can't put this into any button click event. becoz, it is triggered with Worksheet_Change event. So whenever the selection will change, first it will check, if the target cell value is "Do" (case sensitive),if true, then it will copy the above cell's value to current cell.