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Search results

  1. A

    Range calls cause my custom function to not return

    Well, as much as I hate to hear that, it is what it is. Thanks for explaining this to me, Colin. You've saved me a few hours of combing the web before I gave up.
  2. A

    Range calls cause my custom function to not return

    Thanks for the input. I'm only calling from a single cell (but the function accepts a range as an argument). I'm trying to format the caller cell (using application.caller). I would use conditional formatting, but the main point of the custom function is to do this on its own, regardless of...
  3. A

    Range calls cause my custom function to not return

    Hi all, This is my first time posting, but I read a few stickies so hopefully my syntax isn't terrible. I can't post the actual sheet I'm working on, as it contains sensitive information. However, I've described my problem and posted my code. If needed, I can probably make a dupe spreadsheet...