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Search results

  1. A

    creating a template from an existing table

    thanks for all the replies. i've tried them all, and they all seem equally easy and adequate for my needs. i think i may choose them all, copying the headers to start a new pivot table for the new quarter, adding a column for the month. basically one table per quarter the only thing is, i...
  2. A

    creating a template from an existing table

    so i've recently started a small retail business in new york. i've been caught unawares that i have to pay my quarterly taxes. i had already created a table of all my transactions in table format. with formulas separating city an state taxes (it took the better part of a day, i'm rusty). but it...
  3. A

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    hello. this is austin in new york, just started a business and need some tips and tricks. Chandoo, you look like a wizard i'm sure you won't disappoint in that regard. thanks for the help already, looking forward to you easily answering my future questions.