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Search results

  1. R

    How to randomise while being fair (small dataset)

    Hi Narayan, I'm sorry if i'm unclear. I would like each task to be assigned to one of the people, at the end i want and equal amount or very close to equal to be assigned to each person. In my example (above link) it will randomly assign a person to a task (press f9) to see what i mean. the...
  2. R

    How to randomise while being fair (small dataset)

    Hello all, Thank you for your interest/help. @ Narayan,Thank you for your suggestion/input. After reviewing you suggestion and then implementing it into some test data i got it to work, however the result is basically the number of tasks/number of people. I am not really sure how that can be...
  3. R

    How to randomise while being fair (small dataset)

    I have a small dataset approx 60. (lets just say they are work tasks) I would like to randomly assign tasks to people, but i would also like assign an equal amount of tasks where possible. so if i were to have 63 tasks and 6 people (adam, ben, colm, derek, elvis, fiona) I would expect/hope...
  4. R

    Random select one line of data for each person in a list

    Chandoo thank you so much for your response. I have been analysing you suggestions and trying to make sense of it. I think I understand the below "B11&COUNTIF($B$2:B11,B11") so you want to place b11 and the number of times b11 occurs from b2:b11 I am having difficulty understanding the...
  5. R

    Random select one line of data for each person in a list

    sorry format went a little crazy, it should read REF_ID -- NAME -- DATE -- BILL -- TOTAL
  6. R

    Random select one line of data for each person in a list

    I would like to know how I can get excel to randomly select one line of data for each of the people listed below (so one for bob, one for jenny, one for Trish etc.). I have been trying a mixture of vlookup and rand but to no avail, below is just a sample list but i would like to try it on a...