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  1. M

    Resource loading

    Thanks Hui. I had built this on my home machine with 2007, but when I got into the office to work on it some more, I forgot I only had Excel 2003 loaded. Ran right into the 256 column limit which I had forgotten about. Anyway, it seems to do what I need it to do right now. This is just a...
  2. M

    Resource loading

    Well I may have figured out a start to this problem. Here is a start for the project and load: http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/UipQI9Z6hK52vWMvIak02Q?feat=directlink Here is an image with the formulas exposed...
  3. M

    Resource loading

    Hi, I'm new to this site and am hoping you can help me find a solution to this problem. What I am interested in is estimating the amount of people I will need on various projects over time. What I need to do is estimate the amount of time (work hours) that each functional area needs to...