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Search results

  1. J

    Macro Basic

    Thnks Hui.. But i dont know about VBE..Plz tell me how can i know about VBE as you suggested for Macro...
  2. J

    How to sepate numbers and text

    Hi, U can use "Text to Columns". Go to Data, click on Text to Colums..
  3. J

    Macro Basic

    Thank You.. SirJB7 & Hui.. Now understood Macro.. But can i edit Macro? If yes, than how?
  4. J

    Macro Basic

    Can anyone help me on "What is Macro? How is it usedful? & How is it created?
  5. J

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hello...Everyone:) I'm Jolly from India. I joined this forum on 25th July,2012. I found this site when I was searching for solution to a excel quarry on Google.. Suppperb site for learning excel..Thanks CHANDOO.. I'am looking forward to learn & expand my excel knowledge..:)
  6. J

    Conditional Excel Formula

    Hi! Busymanjohn, If i use formula of sumproduct, result shows "#VALUE"...:(
  7. J

    Conditional Excel Formula

    Hi! Jai9, It worked.. Thank You..:)
  8. J

    Conditional Excel Formula

    Hey, Busymanjohn pls find below the sample example... Sr.No Emplyee Designation Wages 1 Joe Site Engineer 20,000 2 Thomas Director 1,00,000 3 Sam Site Manager 15,000 4 Jack Project Manager 27,000 5 Pam...
  9. J

    Conditional Excel Formula

    I used that sumprodut formula also but it shows Result like this: #NAME?
  10. J

    Conditional Excel Formula

    Can u please help me with formula as I've already tried sumif formula but it is not working when i use more than one name..? I'm using Excel 2007
  11. J

    Conditional Excel Formula

    I tried "sumif" formula but in that i can get sum of value for one person only.. Quarry is as follow: Sr.No Emplyee Designation Wages 1 Joe Site Engineer 20000 2 Thomas Director 100000 3 Sam Site Manager 15000 4 Jack Project...
  12. J

    Conditional Excel Formula

    I want to sum up the wages based on their designation in column C.
  13. J

    Conditional Excel Formula

    Hello, I am a beginner at excel, so i hope i am not asking an obvious question. I am working on a sheet which calculates payroll.I have a list of people in column A and their wages in column B. How can I sum up the wages of certain people based on their names in column A