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Search results

  1. R

    help rearranging a forumla

    Hi, thanks for the replies! Transposing the data worked, but would've required me to rearrange all the data and the entry form I use :/ Narayan, that worked perfectly thanks! took out some of the $ in the formula so it let me drag it all the way down the 6000 rows of data. It seemed to...
  2. R

    help rearranging a forumla

    Hi there, I'm trying to return multiple unique distinct values. The formula I have at the moment is entered in B3. Can someone please help me rearrange it so that the unique values it returns list Horizontally as opposed to vertically as they do now? {=IFERROR(INDEX(Data!$P$2:$P$6670...
  3. R

    Minutes and Tenths of Minutes

    Hello, Debraj's work perfectly, but is way over my head. Here's another possible solution (I hope) If the decimal time is entered in A1, then in B1 I put: =TIME(0,0,(A1*60)) Then format as mm:ss
  4. R

    Returning multiple values with vlookup (array)

    Ok so I am now able to list unique values vertically...but am wondering how to rearrange it to do so horizontally? I can make it list horizontally, with a different formula but that one returns duplicates. =INDEX(Data!$P$2:$P$4866, SMALL(IF(($A$11=Data!$G$2:Data!$G$4866)*(COUNTIF($G$10:G10...
  5. R

    Returning multiple values with vlookup (array)

    Somehow I missed an article in that link that looks like it can help me solve problem 1...
  6. R

    Returning multiple values with vlookup (array)

    Hi All, Development on my last post, where Hui directed me to a great site and I found my own detailing how to return multiple values with an array formula (http://www.get-digital-help.com/2009/10/25/how-to-return-multiple-values-using-vlookup-in-excel/) The formula I use now is...
  7. R

    fix hyperlinks automatically

    find and replace not an option? Only need to swap abc.net for xyz.net? If those only occur in the hyperlinks then ctrl+f and replace them all
  8. R

    combining concatenate and vlookup?

    Cool, thanks for the link Hui. Don't quite understand it %100 but it works so thanks. Like the link, my output now generates the list based of the shipment number I enter. Is there a way to, eliminate/ignore the duplicate values and then Concatenate or similiar them into a single list...
  9. R

    combining concatenate and vlookup?

    Hi All, Been lurking awhile using the other forums to help me tackle this data, now Just need a little more help if at all possible :) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AohansBo0jMldEJGNDBXRks0djZfOWxPMlowenU5anc Above is the link to a sample of the data I am working with...