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Search results

  1. P

    Returning last value of the continuous range

    Column A consist of non continuous(Numeric/Non numeric) data. i want the continuous data in column A to be treated as different ranges. as in Column A "1,;2;3" are continuous range and i wish to return last value i.e. 3 in column B. Likewise in column A '1;;2;3' and '2;3;4' is seperated by a...
  2. P

    Returning last value of the continuous range

    can i get a little help with my problem; i wish to get the last value of a continuous range e.g. column A column B 1 = last value of continuous range i.e 3 2 3 (Blank Cell) 2 = last value of continuous range i.e 4 3 4 (Blank Cell) 5...
  3. P

    highlight linked cells in a worksheet

    is their any conditional formatting technique where in i can highlight the cells which are linked to another cells. really indispensable please help.
  4. P

    removing the end full stop from a paragraph of text within an excel cell

    hello Hui.. hope you doin fine.. please guide me thru this.. the above formula will delete a last character of the cell. is it possible to identify if the cell actually contains a full-stop and then delete the full stop only.
  5. P

    Check for overlapping of a median value in a specific range

    hi again hui i will be troubling you a little more.. is it possible to print the "Overlap Row S.no.: "more than 0 only" ofcourse there are lengthy ways but i wish to know if a particular result be omitted in ur formula, for eg print all values except for Overlap Row S.no.:0 please reply..
  6. P

    Check for overlapping of a median value in a specific range

    the formula is doing just awesome.. i really would like to know the working of this formula. if anytime u can spare sometime for this. i would really thankful.
  7. P

    Check for overlapping of a median value in a specific range

    If i wish to exclude the upper and lower values of a ranges is it okay if i use only "<" & ">" instead of "=<" and "=>" operators..
  8. P

    Check for overlapping of a median value in a specific range

    Think its working for me.. now testing it .. thanks hui.. u r a life savier
  9. P

    Check for overlapping of a median value in a specific range

    Not helping me out sir, could you please help me out with the working of this formula. also i need to locate the location where the overlapping is occurring. hope to hear from you soon.
  10. P


    the data in your column b could be generated using {=+SUM(IF($A$1:A1=A1,1,0))}. OR {=+SUM(--(($A$1:A1)=A1))} please note that both above formulae are array formula. OR Also another option u may achieve this is =+SUMPRODUCT(--(($A$1:A1)=A1)) and drag the formula in the subsequent cells i...
  11. P

    Check for overlapping of a median value in a specific range

    Dear Hui, thanks for your attempt. but the formula aint doing any good for me. a sample work book with the formula you suggested have been attached herewith. i require to find if whether the values between "chainage From" and "chainage To" is overlapping in any of the subsequent data. Also if...
  12. P

    Check for overlapping of a median value in a specific range

    Oh my bad. should have removed the custom formatting before posting.. the img is reposted please check.. http://i41.tinypic.com/zsn2o7.jpg
  13. P

    Check for overlapping of a median value in a specific range

    http://i40.tinypic.com/10fxrf6.jpg i need to find if the values between range D2:E2 are overlapping in any of the following rages, if yes then where? (may be row number) thanks upfront!