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  1. I

    Reverse lookup

    I think it's working fine...add row and colum headers and you'll see what I mean... As it is, it thinks that the row is "58" and the column is "64" so that is correct... Just try addin text headers and I think it will work
  2. I

    Reverse lookup

    Thanks for the info, guys...while searching around, I found a solution on another forum. To be honest, I could not have come up with it, but I'd like to share it as I think others would find it useful. I can not upload a file as I'm at work, but I will paste in the formula This is an array...
  3. I

    Reverse lookup

    Hey guys, I'm new here and have a good one. I'm trying to find a given value in an array, then return the column and row headers. So, let's say I have a sheet with dates as colum headers, and states as row headers. I then want to look at the largest ten numbers from the array. So I do a...