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  1. M

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi Everyone, I've been using Excel since it was version 1.0 (!). Yet, until the last couple of years I've never done much more with it than the easy, surface things. Some forms and Access integration with VBA in the last year, and now some pretty sophisticated things thanks to the fine folks...
  2. M

    Conditional Concatenate Text for a Chart Title

    Thanks for the well wishes AND the formula update (it performs flawlessly)! Perhaps sometime you could explain how that's working exactly? I can read it in plain English, but not quite sure HOW you arrived at the logic for it. I think it's those "countifs" that're throwing me. :) Fortunately...
  3. M

    Conditional Concatenate Text for a Chart Title

    OK! Now that's interesting (especially the countif bit) and it gets me close as well. However - feeling pretty sheepish - I left out one condition. If A1, A2, and A3 are all "not blank" then it should concatenate the three together as concatenate(A1," x ",A2," x ",A3). Not sure how I managed...
  4. M

    Conditional Concatenate Text for a Chart Title

    Greetings all! Having just implemented the awesomeness found in the article "How to cook a delicious dynamic chart that will have your boss drool" on this site (sorry - I would provide a link but am not sure how in the forum) I thought I'd like to add one additional bit of awesomeness...a...