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  1. B

    Extracting and Converting Data

    Luke that worked. However, is there a way to delete all the initial data and replace it with the the new format.
  2. B

    Extracting and Converting Data

    Hi, I am looking for a macro that can convert information form this format: C110,C126,C128,C129 CAPN/U-0805 C119,C124,C125 G40X152K050 C12,C106 GRM188R71E474KA C120...
  3. B

    Inserting Multiple Commas

    That worked. Thank you all for your help
  4. B

    Inserting Multiple Commas

    That is good, but I need to get rid of the dashes with commas or get rid of the dash and fill in the missing numbers. E1-2,E7-8 should be E1,E2,E7,E8 J2-5 should be J2,J3,J4,J5 The dashes are showing sequential numbers.
  5. B

    Inserting Multiple Commas

    This is a sample of my data. I need it to have commas in between the letter number combo and either the missing numbers in inserted for the dashes or if there are no additional numbers than a comma. C46 C103 J6 J1 CR1-3 CR7 CR9 CR12 CR32 CR4-5 CR8 CR11 CR14 CR31 CR28 CR13 CR15 CR36...
  6. B

    Inserting Multiple Commas

    Thanks Narayan it works, but there is another issue. Some of the dashes span more than one number. Like J2-5, I need it to be J2,J3,J4,J5
  7. B

    Inserting Multiple Commas

    Hi, I am looking to get this information C3 C8-10 C19-20 C22 C41-42 C49 C58-59 C61-62 C76-77 C79 to look like this C3,C8,C9,C10,C19,C20,C22,C41,C42,C49,C58,C59,C61,C62,C76,C77,C79 I have multiple cells will similiar data, but with different letters Thank You
  8. B

    Inserting a letter in a cell

    Thank You NARAYANK991 that worked perfectly and thanks to everyone else who helped along the way.
  9. B

    Inserting a letter in a cell

    Hi Luke M, Here is an example of my data C1,2,3,4,28,30 C12,16,19,26,27,41,50,74,75,83,84,85,24 C18,32 C33,42 C35,44 C36,45 C39,40,48,49,81,82 C5 C6,29,20,79,80 C7,10,11,13,14,15,17,21,22,23,25,31,37,38,46,47,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63 CR5,12,14,15,18,19 CR7,16,20,21,22...
  10. B

    Inserting a letter in a cell

    Hi Luke M, the formula is giving me intermitting success here is one result...
  11. B

    Inserting a letter in a cell

    Hi Narayank991 That did not work for me, I started with C12,16,19,26,27,41,50,74,75,83,84,85,24 and after the formula I got C12,16,19,26,27,41,5
  12. B

    Inserting a letter in a cell

    I see how changing the letter would work, but I was wondering if it could be one formula that would work no matter what the letter is by identifying the first letter in the string of numbers.
  13. B

    Inserting a letter in a cell

    Thank you for such a quick response. The formula =SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE("C"&A2," ",""),",",",C"),"CC","C")works great. My only the issue is that I have more numbers that do not have a C, but R, CR, Q, and E (they are reference designators for circuit boards) that have include. Is...
  14. B

    Inserting a letter in a cell

    Hi, I would like to add a letter infront of several numbers in a cell. I would like to take this: C12,16,19,26,27,41,50,74,75 and turn it into C12,C16,C19,C26,C27,C41,C50,C74,C75 I have hundreds to do like that, so something automated would make it a lot easier. Thank You