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Search results

  1. B

    Issues with Personal Macro Workbook [SOLVED]

    Hi SirJB7 It seems that was the problem. Once I checked all the macros and got rid of all the references to ThisWorkbook the macros worked. Thank You so much for your constant help.
  2. B

    Issues with Personal Macro Workbook [SOLVED]

    Hi Here is a workbook with my macros in it and the two separate files needed for importing into the workbook. The main problem I am having is using the macros Import_from_BOM and Import_from_schematic in the personal macro workbook. The macros seem to run, but they do not import any data into...
  3. B

    Issues with Personal Macro Workbook [SOLVED]

    Hi The Personal Macro Workbook does not copy data from another workbook. It seems to open the workbook, but does not copy the data to the new workbook. Is there something I need to add to the macro to get it to copy the Data or anything else?
  4. B

    Issues with Personal Macro Workbook [SOLVED]

    Hi They show up in the developers tab, but they do not work properly. For instance, I have a macro that imports data from another workbook. In the personal macro workbook it does not import any data although it appears that it is trying to run the macro without any results. Another macro...
  5. B

    Issues with Personal Macro Workbook [SOLVED]

    Hi When I use my macros from my personal macro workbook they do not work, but if I use them in a workbook they work fine. Is there something else that has to be done in order to make them work in the personal macro workbook?
  6. B

    Add message to choose file to load [SOLVED]

    Hi Deb Works Great, except I had to add an End If. Thank You for your help
  7. B

    Add message to choose file to load [SOLVED]

    Hi I have a macro that will import data from another file into the opened workbook. The only problem is a have to include the path too the file. Is there a way to create a prompt to ask me where the file to import is located. Here a sample of the macro Dim wb As Workbook Set wb =...
  8. B

    Need to delete specific cells in a row [SOLVED]

    Hi SirJB7 In that topic I wanted to filter a specified column and then output the filtered results into separate workbooks. Where as here I was filtering and deleting cells based on there 1st Letter. And Yes you help me solve that one as well. Thanks
  9. B

    Close file after a macro opens it [SOLVED]

    Hi @sachinbizboy Thank You for your quick response @SirJB7 Thank You once again for you expert help!!!
  10. B

    Close file after a macro opens it [SOLVED]

    Hi sachinbizboy It worked perfectly, although it leaves a lot of information on the clipboard. Is there a way to empty the clipboard from the macro, instead of having the pop up message. Thanks
  11. B

    Close file after a macro opens it [SOLVED]

    Hi I have a macro to opens a specific file and copies data to my open workbook Dim wb As Workbook Set wb = ThisWorkbook Workbooks.Open Filename:="WORKSTATION-48Excel Macro FilesPL_Import and Conversion_Template_DATA_1.xlsm" '<<<< Change File Name...
  12. B

    Need to delete specific cells in a row [SOLVED]

    Hi SirJB7 Thanks that worked perfectly, as usual. The macro I found at MrExcel and changed for my purposes. Maybe that is why it is familiar. Once again thank You for the speedy help.
  13. B

    Need to delete specific cells in a row [SOLVED]

    Hi SirJB7 I want to shift them upwards
  14. B

    Need to delete specific cells in a row [SOLVED]

    Hi I have a Macro that lets me delete an entire row based on the beginning letter of a specified cell. However, I just need to delete two specific cells in that row not the entire row. Dim LR As Long Application.ScreenUpdating = False For LR = Range("D" &...
  15. B

    Delete Rows

    Hi SirJB7 The file works perfectly! Thank You for all your help. It is really appreciated.
  16. B

    Delete Rows

    Hi SirJB7 Here is the Link https://www.dropbox.com/s/69pi7xpduvxsyow/deleting_trial.xlsm
  17. B

    Delete Rows

    Hi SirJB7 I was able to get the macro working, but not able to get it to delete the row based on the first letter in the cell. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You
  18. B

    Delete Rows

    Hi SirJB7 I check the search and must of the results were regarding deleting blank cells. The few others are deleting cells with whole words. I just what to delete the row based on the first letter in the first cell. Thank You for your time
  19. B

    Delete Rows

    Hi Sorry about the format. That should be columns A through E.
  20. B

    Delete Rows

    Hi Im am looking for a way to delete a row that has a cell that begins with certain letters. I have searched the site and internet and could not find something that could meet my specific criteria. Example: CR21 2939.85 2997.98 90 Top CR25 3226.85 3130.46 270 Top E1 3964...
  21. B

    Extracting data to new workbooks

    Thank You for all your help SirJB7 I must of overlooked it in my rush to see if it worked.
  22. B

    Extracting data to new workbooks

    Hi SirJB7 The macro works, except I had to change Set My_Range = Range("A1:E" & LastRow(ActiveSheet)) I was getting an error with LastRow to Set My_Range = Range("A:E") However, the new workbooks are created in my documents folder. Is there a way to have them created in the...
  23. B

    Extracting data to new workbooks

    Hi SirJB7, It looks good, I will try it tomorrow, but where do you add the name of the files you want.
  24. B

    Extracting data to new workbooks

    Hi SirJB7, I came across that earlier. Is there a way to make it create a new workbook for my primary and secondary criteria.
  25. B

    Extracting data to new workbooks

    Hi SirJB7 I am going to try and modify it to fit my needs, but I still need to filter it to get the primary and secondary together. Also this macro is exporting columns and I need it to do rows. So, how to I get it to find the rows no matter how many primary or secondary there are. Thanks