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Search results

  1. robertomd

    Recalculate conditional formatting after filtering rows

    Yep, that did the trick!!! Many thanks!
  2. robertomd

    Recalculate conditional formatting after filtering rows

    Hello, If we have a table with a column of values that have a conditional formatting relative to those values (e.g. red cell for the highest value of the column, green cell for the lowest), and then we filter this list so one of these values is filtered (hidden), the conditional formatting still...
  3. robertomd

    Pivot table from data of same kind coming from two different sheets

    Jerome, bobhc, thank you very much for your answers. It looks then, according to your answers, that data must be combined prior to be used by a pivot table. Instead of creating a second file, I'll try creating an additional sheet with all the results combined, and then do the pivot table on this...
  4. robertomd

    Pivot table from data of same kind coming from two different sheets

    Hi all, I have no problem when it comes to create a pivot table using data from a single sheet that includes, say, columns Date+Category+Amount; so I can easily get for example a summary pivot table with dates by month on one axis, categories on the other, and sum of the amount on the body...