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  1. O

    Vlookup Problem

    Faseeh, Thanks for the reply and i will try it out and hope it works fine for me. If i have any questions,will come back to you. Sorry for the delay in replying back to you.
  2. O

    Vlookup Problem

    Faseeh and Srinidhi,thanks for your replies Srinidhi,i can do it if it for single data,i can do a pivot table but if i have more data,it will not help i think. I have attached a sample workbook,that i can get clear help from the team. The link is below ...
  3. O

    Vlookup Problem

    Narayank,thanks for the link. Faseeh, i want the data to be 123 it should show up 1 and 34 vertically.
  4. O

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hey Chandoo...Thanks for this wonderflu website,i find it very much useful in using excel. Great that i visited this site,got a silly question how can we change the profile picture..
  5. O

    Vlookup Problem

    Hi, Generally if we use vlookup function,it will pull only the first data if we have same data that appears multiple times. Eg Check 123 1 231 2 123 34 1456 45 456 10 If we vlookup for 123,it will pull only 1 and it will not show 34.is there anyway to pull both 1 and 34 that is...