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Search results

  1. M

    Small Help - VBA Script

    Hi, I believe your best bet is to experiment with the format command. "Your reporting day would be on" & "" & "" & Format(Sheet1.Range("G" & (Cntr)).Value , "dd-mmm-yyyy") please note "dd-mmm-yyyy" will not output your desired format, but i assume if...
  2. M

    Distance Between 2 Zip Codes (USA and CANADA)

    Hi, I've just taken a look at the 2 las links in the post of SirJB7. They work like a charm! I had to tinker with the period-comma delimma but it works brilliantly. Couldnt help myself and have started on a dashboard to plot the lat/long in a scatterplot with as a background the map of the...
  3. M

    VBA unique values

    Perfect, thanks Chandoo. much simpler than my method :) I was so focussed on using an array i forgot the simplicity of built in actions ;-) Hi Kris, thanks for the link! I'll try and look into it tonight for more insights
  4. M

    VBA unique values

    Hi, I'm tryin to find the best/fastest VBA method of find and listing unique value's. the first bit and end bit will be implementend in my current VBA, but basicly the idea is: - A list of approx 8000 cases will have to be processed - there will be around 100 unique values with variating...
  5. M

    How to highlight the Maximum and minimum points on the line graph in excel

    Hi, not quite sure what it is you're looking for here. the actual value (by using respectively the min() and max() functions), or a way of highlighting those graphically? any chance at giving a little more detail?
  6. M

    Simplifying COUNTIFS

    Just off the top of my head, I would remove the need for a pass mark and the actual score by a percentage, and then simply count if equal to or higher than 50%. ***edit: lower than, i prefer counting the number of passes :) *** unless your really need the actual score as well.
  7. M

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Grtz mates, I work as a project manager. Work with excel daily and a quite familiar with formula's, VBA, dashboards, ... This site has helped me a lot with new tricks and insights, looking to pay it forward now :)