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Search results

  1. N

    Delete Raws

    Hi Hui, This is some really nice stuff. Thank for the tip. I really enjoyed it! My problem is a bit different. Let’s say that I get a file from my supervisor every day with sales data from every country, but I am only interested in the US, UK, & Canada. I have a data validation list at the...
  2. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Auto Delete Rows I have a huge sheet (data dump) in which I keep data for many companies “20”. My manual process is as follows: (1) Filter in column A and delete all data called “indirect”. This leaves me with rows called “direct” only. (2) Filter in column B and delete companies not equal to...
  3. N

    Delete Raws

    Auto Delete Rows I have a huge sheet (data dump) in which I keep data for many companies “20”. My manual process is as follows: (1) Filter in column A and delete all data called “indirect”. This leaves me with rows called “direct” only. (2) Filter in column B and delete companies not equal...
  4. N

    Auto Copy Formula

    Excel Ninja, Thank you so much for the help. Actually I look at the file that SirJB7 and it was exactly what I needed. It works like a charm. Thanks to both of you. nnavarro
  5. N

    Auto Copy Formula

    I created a sheet with many Vlookups, left and right, and mathematical formulas. The formulas don’t change. People dump data into this sheet and the look ups do the rest. Because this is a weekly YTD exercise the number of rows changes all the time. You dump a new file each month and drag...
  6. N

    Variance Graph

    Hi Excel gurus, I have an idea but I don’t know how to make it happen. When we look at actuals vs. forecast, we normally see tons of boxes and many different colors. It takes practice to understand what users are looking at. I was wondering if we could simplify the process by overlapping...