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Search results

  1. C

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hello. I am an independent contractor in Texas and consider myself to have above average proficiency in Excel. I can usually figure most things out on my own, but that takes time. I have found solutions to my problems on this site multiple times. And I posted my first question 2 days ago and...
  2. C

    Lookup Multiple Conditions -- Name and Date Range

    Thanks SirJB7. That formula was perfect! And I will do as you suggested before I post again.
  3. C

    Lookup Multiple Conditions -- Name and Date Range

    I need help! Cost table looks like this: Name Start_Date End_Date Cost White 1/1/2012 3/1/2012 5 White 3/2/2012 6/1/2012 6 Black 1/1/2012 8/1/2012 7 Black 8/2/2012 12/31/2012 8 Need to find Cost for data sample below. I have 2 conditions...