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Search results

  1. D

    Interactive Sales Chart using MS Excel

    Hi Chandoo, GREAT graph and great site!!!! I have a question on the data labels. When data label is added in the chart and we select a “year” and then if we choose a “region” #N/A’s appear and data labels disappear. Any thoughts on this? Thanks and hugs from Argentina.
  2. D

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi I´m Daniel from Argentina and I love this site!!! it´s a great tool for me to create new reports and make awesome graphs!!! so thank you for such a great creation!!!
  3. D

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi, Daniel here from Argentina. I love this website!!! Hope to learn a lot every day I visited.
  4. D

    Option Button

    Thanks! I try to research using the browser but no one is looking for a solution like I want....can you help me?
  5. D

    Option Button

    I´m trying to design a combo using option buttons and group by group box but I need that each button linked to a different cell, is that possible?