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  1. R

    Move files on my desktop using a list in excel

    Yea, and the code we have in this thread works fine, just that it requires the entire file name,instead Of just the server name ( TED).
  2. R

    Move files on my desktop using a list in excel

    First thank you for your response. Yes you could use that example. In A1= TED In B1= C:UsersIBM_ADMINDesktopAccountsMy AccountsSmackToolsCompareMEFfiles In C1= C:UsersIBM_ADMINDesktopAccountsMy AccountsSmackToolsCompareResults I want the code to recognize "TED" in the file name...
  3. R

    Move files on my desktop using a list in excel

    I have it working now other than I what I posted above. Help please!!
  4. R

    Move files on my desktop using a list in excel

    Can I have it look for a particular name, instead of the whole file name. I get a report and it tells me the server name, say TED, I want it to move the file if the name of the file contains TED. The actual file name may be 'I_move_TED.mefs" , but since it contains TED I want it moved to new...
  5. R

    Move files on my desktop using a list in excel

    So as long as I put the entire file name it will work, but it still hangs up on the same line of code. Any thoughts
  6. R

    Move files on my desktop using a list in excel

    Is there a way to do it changing the " Name Filepath & "" & Filename As NewPath & "" & Filename" Below is the from path and to path, and as you can see there are many 's C:UsersIBM_ADMINDesktopAccountsMy AccountsSmackToolsCompareMEFfiles C:UsersIBM_ADMINDesktopAccountsMy...
  7. R

    Move files on my desktop using a list in excel

    In column A is only a server name, not the entire file name.Will this require a different code? So in A1 is AELLS0001 Johns_10JAN2013_AELLS0001.mef3
  8. R

    Move files on my desktop using a list in excel

    So now its throwing an error at line: " Name Filepath & "" & Filename As NewPath & "" & Filename" Am I suppose to rename these to something?
  9. R

    Move files on my desktop using a list in excel

    Ok So I have list in excel, column A.The list corresponds to file names in a folder on my desktop, I want the VBA to find the names in column A in my folder and move those files to another folder. Example is in A1 the file name is "ZAC". On my desktop is a folder called Cousins. The file ZAC...
  10. R

    Formula for equalling a cell

    Ok, What I did was used the Vlookup table that comes up when I inserted the formula. This is how it pasted when I clicked the cells I wanted in the look up. I will see if I did something wrong, thanks
  11. R

    Remove duplicates from a single cell and concatenate a row?

    I guess I am not understanding how to use the code. I put in a module and applied the formula to the cell as directed, but nothing. It will add letters to it but not remove duplicates? What I missing!
  12. R

    Formula for equalling a cell

    yes, it is the sheet workbook I am referencing.
  13. R

    Formula for equalling a cell

    for the formula =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A3,QEV.20130122xlsx!$A$2:$F$6390,2,FALSE)*E3,"G")
  14. R

    Formula for equalling a cell

    So I managed to get this to work but it keeps opening the save box. I used the microsoft recommended fix. Why?
  15. R

    Formula for equalling a cell

    Ok I am back, now I want to add two formulas together, I want to add =VLOOKUP(A2,QEV.20130122.xlsx!$A$2:$F$6390,2,FALSE) and =IFERROR(D2,"G") What I am looking to do is use the Vlookup, but if the Vlookup returns the #N/A ,then it ads a G. This will all go in the same cell.
  16. R

    Formula for equalling a cell

    awesome, worked great and thanks for the training, just when I think I am catching on wammy...lol
  17. R

    Formula for equalling a cell

    So I thought I was getting a grasp on this formula stuff, or maybe just not enough coffe, but I have a formula that I want to equal a cell value, but if the cell value = #N/A then it needs to return a G. This is what I have and cant figure out why it wont work. =D2 IF(D2="#N/A","G", " ") So...
  18. R

    Remove duplicates from a single cell and concatenate a row?

    I am trying to concatenate cells that are in a row , lets say A1-A6. Each cell has letters that correspond to a task, so I am trying to concatenate them into one cell, A8, then I want to remove duplicates in that cell. So if it is "A,B,S,A,C,B" I want the end result to be "A,B,S,C". I have...
  19. R

    Keep cell from updating , when other cells are cleared

    Lets use A1,B1,C1,D1. C1 is the sum of A1 and B1. I want to be able to retain the SUM in D1 even after I clear the other cells. What I am doing is tracking time, and at the end of the week they turn their time in, clear the sheet and start a new week. I want a way to carry the total time over...
  20. R

    Apply this code to specific cells

    That's absolutely incredible , I knew it would be simple for the pros. Thanks so much works like a charm....
  21. R

    Apply this code to specific cells

    I have this code which works great, I just want to go one step farther. This code allows users to clear contents on a protected sheet. I want to keep that function but apply it to a specified range of cells. C6 thru T130 are the cells that I want to apply this too. This includes Column C...
  22. R

    How to have my combo box go to a cell when selected

    In A1 I have combo box with my list in it. I want it go to a certain cell when that cell is referenced. Example: My combo box says A6, and when I select this from the combo box, I want it to go to cell A6. I have tried hyperlinks but I cannot get them to work in the combo box. I do not...
  23. R

    Excel stop watch

    Ok, I am open to ideas. I just want to be able to pause the stopwatch. I really appreciate all the help also.
  24. R

    Excel stop watch

    Ok I got this to work great. One last question. Is there a way to have it pause on a single click on column 1. Right now it stops on double click anywhere other than column 1, I would like it to pause though.