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Search results

  1. J

    hyperlink + macro at the same time?

    Hi Narayank991, Thank you very much for your suggestion. I had not really thought about this possibility, but the insistence to use this mechanism, is because my project is composed of more than 100 sheets in the same file, and they all use the icons with hyperlinks, as the easiest way to...
  2. J

    hyperlink + macro at the same time?

    Hi Gentlemen, Unfortunately, I need to travel to much, so not to much time to be quiet and have the possibilty of learning from you. Returning to my old question. Mercatog, your option is working 100%, thank you, but the way you did is a little different, and is not exactly what I need. I...
  3. J

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi everyone, The Main Inquisitor, Sir JB7, punished me, and now I have to atone for the horrible sin of not introducing myself! O.K., I live in the beautiful city of Miami, working for a living, and I would like to learn as much as possible of Excell. Search through various forums, and...
  4. J

    hyperlink + macro at the same time?

    Hi Mercatog, I did it, but nothing! The hyperlink works, not the sound! Thank you for your answer! Regards, JC
  5. J

    hyperlink + macro at the same time?

    Hi Narayan, Sorry for the late answer. Unfortunately,nothing works properly. Everything remained as before: when you click on the inserted icon in the spreadsheet#1, which in turn has added a hyperlink, you go to the right place, the spreadsheet#2. If I add a sound macro to the same icon...
  6. J

    hyperlink + macro at the same time?

    Hi Narayan, Thank you very much for your information. I think this can help, at least I will try. Later I will let you know. Best, JC
  7. J

    hyperlink + macro at the same time?

    Can we add a hyperlink to an inserted icon, and a macro at the same time? In my file, the users click on the icon to go to the different sheet, in the same workbook. That's O.K. Now I just want to add a sound macro to the icon, so when the user click on the icon, they hear the sound and go...