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  1. M

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hello, I'm Michael from California. Have been using excel since '92, but find I'm not as knowledgeable about some of the more powerful functionality as I would like to become. Looking forward to learning more here.
  2. M

    How to conditionally list a subset of data based on specific values? [SOLVED]

    SirJB7, there's a lot there to think about. Applied your steps in the larger spreadsheet and it looks very nice. Thank you! Now I have two different but very effective ways of saving time on report creation thank you, MichaelO
  3. M

    How to conditionally list a subset of data based on specific values? [SOLVED]

    Thank you both for your very educational help. My apologies for the delay in getting back to you. Sajan, as much as I play with Pivots, I had never used that function (show in tabular form) before. That is a wonderful feature that will make quite a bit of my work easier. SirJB7, this idea...
  4. M

    How to conditionally list a subset of data based on specific values? [SOLVED]

    Sajan, thank you for your response. Yes, I have tried using a pivot, for exactly the reason you mention: the ease of filtering. Unfortunately, the pivot keeps trying to apply mathematical functions to the field values, such as counting non-numeric values of each record. I'd like a straight...
  5. M

    How to conditionally list a subset of data based on specific values? [SOLVED]

    In a table, there are 30 columns, one of which is used as a "flag" to determine if data from that record should be included in a report on another tab. The flag will be Y/N in all cases. The report will include about 15 of the source table's 30 columns, and will be a straight copy (i.e. no...