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Search results

  1. G

    Dynamic array in countif formula

    Hi to all the awesome Excellers! I have a problem i cant seem to get around, here goes; I'm using a countif formula for a specific range of cells, but i realise as the months go by, i need the formula to have a dynamic range that will change if and when needed to. I'm using random dates...
  2. G

    Attendance register

    Mujhe maafkarodho. I thought if i spoke about splicers this would give the idea i am working with Excel 2010 and as it is for my work, i wouldn't be looking for solutions that would be backward compatible with 2007. I get a bit enthusiastic when working on bigish workbooks like this and can get...
  3. G

    Attendance register

    This is similar to what i'm looking for. https://rapidshare.com/files/1399826838/Attendance%20CalendarV111.xlsm But the combo box will be on the Employee page instead of the date table page. You will notice how i rearranged the whole table in the attendance page to be "horizontal". I don't...
  4. G

    Attendance register

    I suppose i should add that the data in the attendance page is just taken from a previous register i kept. So it's fine if you mess around with it a bit. :)
  5. G

    Attendance register

    Lolz, figured it out... Here, hope it works. It's my first time... https://rapidshare.com/files/901201252/Attendance%20CalendarV1.xltm
  6. G

    Attendance register

    I would gladly... lolz, but i dunno how to add an attachment here... But ya, it's still in dev phase, so there is no names and such. I was hoping to have it implemented around my factory too so i'm keeping it generic. It is macro enabled, but just the RefreshAll macro when you change the spinners.
  7. G

    Attendance register

    Ok, so as the title, i'm tring to make an interactive attendance register. I've pretty much taken the idea from Chandoo's awesome pivot calendar_v1 with the date table on the 1 page (dates going down in 1 column, exactly like the pivot calendar) and a splicer calendar on the next (linked with a...
  8. G

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hello all. Hailing from South Africa, i am the Ginger ninja! (Gareth to the normal people :)) I've been lurking on the site for a couple of years and felt i need to start contributing and being able ask questions, so i now make myself known. The site is awesome and has taught me a lot that i...