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Search results

  1. L

    Can someone please help me nest two sumifs together?

    Hi, I would like to apologize if I am posting a question that has already been answered. I've been through sumifs questions and answers and a lot of the questions and language are over my head. I have a workbook where I created a lot of calculations where a formula that I don't know how to...
  2. L

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi, I thought that I was an intermediate excel user, trying to step it up a notch. Am blown away and over my head trying to follow some of the questions and answers here. Trying to go through the site and locate my question to find where it has already been answered so as to not post a question...
  3. L

    How to enter a variable in a sumifs formula?

    Thank You! Simple solution that did not occur to me!
  4. L

    How to enter a variable in a sumifs formula?

    Hi, I need one criteria in a sumifs formula to be dependent on whatever is entered in another column on the same row. The idea is to retrieve information on whatever contractor is listed in that particular row. The information to be retrieved is dependent on a couple of variables. I have tried...