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  1. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    haha big money. kind regards. you are a lifesaver
  2. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    also...i cant spot where the ocurrence of ProtectWS is written after i clicked on the View Code feature. can you tell me where should i look for it? gracias fifty golden mex pesos are fedex'ing your way :)
  3. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    Sir. thanks to you i have this concern for the time being can i use the autofilter feature on the records, during tracking process? or would the reocrds and vba code mess up because of using sort/search tools on the records during tracking process?
  4. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    it works beutifully just like family guy's peter griffin founded the church of fonzie ...i now hereby hail the church of SirJB7 !! :) one thing Sir. would you please delete the feature of protect sheet. Itll be better not to have it turn on continually as it does on current version please...
  5. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    ok. i will test today and advise you. gracias
  6. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    ok i will download file again and follow your instructions. excuse me but in the steps you described when i should click the start tracking button?? as step 8 or before enable task? gracias!
  7. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    hi Sir the sheet doesnt seem to work even though i am using excel in english do you think the problem could be how the date and time are set up in my laptop? i live in mexico here is what i did. i opened the downloaded file. i clicked stop tracking. i unprotected sheet. i deleted all the...
  8. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    ok will do and advice thanks sir!
  9. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    hello SirB7 have a great start of the week my apologies in advance for going back to you with this request: do you believe you can help me this week? i really need the file as my peers and boss are constantly checking up with me so sorry for my insistence. i anxiously await your reply...
  10. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    SirJB7!! Hello!!! Would you be able to check on my request this next 2 days or next week? i am approaching deadline for file delivery. my boss is giving me the looks! :) no seriously...i would really appreciate if you can assist me with the request i have the modified file at hand. let...
  11. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    Hi Sir!! Would you please check on mi request sometime this week? i am approaching deadline for file delivery. my boss is giving me the looks! :) no seriously...i would really appreciate if you can assist me with the request i have the modified file at hand. let me know if you need me to...
  12. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    thanks so much sir. i will await patiently
  13. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    Hi SIR! I tested the sheet but it did not perform as expected here is what i did ( please let me know your email address to send you the sheet as i used and formatted it. i think it would be ideal if you give my file a look since i made some modifications on the sheet --format wise-- ) ok i...
  14. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    sir. thanks. i will review today and tomorrow. will provide you feedback no later than monday. very much appreciated! very much appreciated indeed!
  15. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    THANKS SO SO MUCH SIR! owe u big time kind regards to you and all users
  16. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    SirJB7....is there any addtl info you need to make the vba coding? good evening. thanks in advance
  17. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    sorry. column J cells would now be the ones in which the user finally enters a time stamp. column L wont be needed as we remove the visual cues off columns G and H. however i do plan to use columns G thru I to type other user data. let me know sir! my gratitude to you
  18. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    thank you Sir Ok. lets go with one cell displaying a yellow backgroudn color, only for it being overrriden after with a red one and then finally overridden by a green one that should remain visible after the user types in data in cell under column L with that amendment to my original idea, do...
  19. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    mr excel ninja SirB7. first: thank you for rendering your service. i humbly thank you.!!! i sincerely hope i dont confuse you wth further narrative: after posting i starte to think more about some details. i plan to use the sheet as a tracking log for many activities. so any subsequent...
  20. B

    help with macro for dynamically track elapsed time with 5minute visual alarms

    hello all of you experienced users of excel 07 and vba coding im from mexico. i apologize in advance for my poor english translation i was wondering if anyone of you could help me in providing vba coding to automatically track elapsed time. coding should be able to allow excel to display...
  21. B

    add count of elements within array formula (w/o having 2 refer 2 a helper colum)

    hi hui imagine this would be the result of the array formula col#1 col#2 motor 1000 motor 5000 motor 10000 motor 30000 what id like to build into the formula is the ability to include the ocurrance number of the lookup values...like this... col#1 col#2 motor1...
  22. B

    add count of elements within array formula (w/o having 2 refer 2 a helper colum)

    hi all. hope anyone has an answer for this particular matter suppose in range a1 thru a10 there are elements (product names) that repeat in a random fashion and in range b1 thru b10 there are numeric elements that correspond to each product name in the prior mentioned range i added this 2...
  23. B

    Freezing criteria ranges in Excel 2010 tables

    @George i suggest using the advanced options of the Find/Replace dialog box to quickly and efficiently modify your structured reference formulas instead of doing a cumbersome manual task of going into each formula and modify the pertinent reference giving you a headache my 2 cents though saludos
  24. B

    copy new data range to paste special into a pre-existing chart

    thanks hui you know what...im having trouble in getting the checkbox: 'replace existing categories' to work i have the following configuration of data columns A B C row 1 period sales costs row 2 jan 100 50 row 3 feb 200 100...