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  1. A


    Try this =CONCATENATE(B2," │ ",C2,REPT(" ",15-LEN(C2))," │ ",(TEXT(D2,"dd mmm yy")))
  2. A

    Concatenation misaligns the number formatting by decimal

    I think this might do what you're after and allows for longer codes than 3 characters =A1&REPT(" ",20-LEN(A1&B1))&B1 See attached file for an example, everything appears to be lined up correctly. And as Hui said it needs to be a fixed width font, such as courier.
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    Rounding up

    This will round to the nearest .50 so 1.49 becomes 1.50, 1.24 becomes 1.00, 1.75 becomes 2.00 etc. =ROUND(A1*2,0)/2
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    Count a conditionally formatted color

    This is sort of cheating, and not sure if useful in your case, but if i need to keep the colours without the formatting i copy and paste the table in to word, then back in to excel. I tried this on your sample file and the count formula you have seems be counting the cells with colour,though it...
  5. A

    Trying to get the first time from a xls report

    Are you ok with it in a pivot table? Then the attached may be what you're after
  6. A

    Return full cell contents if character exists within range

    wow, have been using v/hlookups daily for years, never knew they could support wild-cards, is how I first tried to solve this and then gave up! Hats off to both of you. Many thanks.
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    Return full cell contents if character exists within range

    Is it cheeky to ask if you can break it down so i understand what the formula is doing?
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    Return full cell contents if character exists within range

    You sir are a genius. Works perfectly thank you.
  9. A

    Return full cell contents if character exists within range

    Hi, I'm looking for a way to return a full cells value if it contains a certain character. EG: I've a dataset where email address could be in any row from A-F and in column G I want to consolidate the emails so they are in a consistent column to later do a vlookup against 123@abc SAMPLE...