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Search results

  1. A

    Print template with changing numbering

    Thank you, NARAYANK991 I don't need complete procedure as I already have one.
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    Print template with changing numbering

    Hi, In a cell, Narayan, for example, in B2
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    Print template with changing numbering

    Hi, guys, I need help. The issue is that I have a template, I need to print 120 copies of it. The whole structure of the template does not change except for the numbers of the each template, for example, first printed template should have a number QSA1, second QSA2, etc. It can be done...
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    Addition to macro code

    Thank you
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    Addition to macro code

    Hi everyone I have code purpose of which is to repeatedly write the same words in several workbooks. To do that I open all workbooks and run macro in each workbook separately. The macro writes the required words, then saves the workbook and closes it. I don't want to run macro manually...
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    Group numbers

    Thank you for the code. The solution is already found: In cell A3: =IF(AND(B2="",B3<>""),MAX($A$2:A2)+1,"")
  7. A

    Group numbers

    Hui, For better understanding what I need I have uploaded the file here, it is a result of what I want: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvS6fHQ9kTRHdEtkcnhpYThsOE94dlFkRnJhaDg3enc&hl=en_US
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    Group numbers

    Hi, everyone I need help. The issue is described below. Below is a list of invoice groups. Group number of the first group of invoices is 1 and it is written in front of the first invoice. I need to write a formula which will show me group number of each invoice group. The group number should...
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    Macro to change file name daily

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    Macro to change file name daily

    This post should be saved in VBA & Macros forum, sorry for that. I could not edit it and save in VBA & Macros forum
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    Macro to change file name daily

    Hello, Can anyone suggest a code to change the date in Excel file name daily. File name is in this format: FileName_Date FileName will stay the same each day, Date should change every day BR, Anar
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    How to convert numbers to text?

    The best way to do that is with macros, as Hui suggested. It is also possible to do that using a combination of Excel functions. Here is an example, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvS6fHQ9kTRHdDNBWEVqQ2xsbElFSnNFYUVGMkYtMEE&hl=en_US
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    Autolisting latest changes since the last opening of a file

    Hi, I think you can use Track Changes functionality of Excel (Review/Changes/Track Changes) By using this functionality you can extract change history report for a certain period. Note that not all changes can be tracked, for example, formatting or sheet name changes. Regards, Anar