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Calculating Overall Time in the Market


New Member
Hello, I am trying to help a client with an Excel workbook for trading stocks. He is asking for a calculation for overall time in the market, excluding any overlap of time that might occur between different roundtrip trades. Round trip trade being a "Buy" and "Sell" (column B) with the same value in column R. The tab called trade pairs is the same data as the trade data tab just sorted to put the pairs together since the data must be in chronological order for the formulas to work properly. This is the description he gave me: One must determine each individual roundtrip trade time while excluding any portion of time that is overlapped with another roundtrip trade independent of the OrderName. Not certain of the formula but it would have an exclusion symbol to indicate excluding any overlap of times. Any ideas because I am stumped here! TIA!!

I should also note that while I am creating this in Excel, he wants it to be usable in both Excel and Google Sheets, with his preference being Google Sheets.


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Could You give as clear sample as possible - how do You would like to do those calculations (with Excel)?