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Night Differential OT Formula 10:00pm to 6:00am


New Member
Hi everyone! I'm working on a time-tracking project in Excel and need help with formulas. I have Column A (Start Time) and Column B (End Time) in 24-hour format. I need formulas for the following:

NDOT: calculate the time from 10:00pm to 6:00am frame range according to their actual time in and out schedule


  • ND.xlsx
    130.6 KB · Views: 3
Not one of those pairs spans midnight!!!

But if they did, this would be a belt and braces approach:



There seems to be some of those - eg the last row.
Do You expect daily results or shift results?
You gave only one rule - but there are more rules, which could change results.


Do You still need something to solve Your case?
Yes thank you for wanting to help me. I edited my template and input the full worked hour and I just want to know what can be the formula if only calculated their night differential overtime hour started at 10:00pm until 6:00am .


  • ND (2).xlsx
    53.7 KB · Views: 3


If you have Excel 2021 or newer:



Did You notice my #3 reply?
Previous time, while I solving ... this kind ...
there were much more rules to take care.
I should know clear rules, before I'll start to do something.
Of course, those Your used rules could be ... so different ... any others.