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how to set filename for pdf

Creative carla

New Member

I am using the macro below to generate pdf files from data validation list. As of now the file name is the from the data validation on B2. how can I set it as so that the filename source becomes A2??

>>> use code - tags <<<
Public Sub Create_PDFs()

    Dim destinationFolder As String
    Dim dataValidationCell As Range, dataValidationListSource As Range, dvValueCell As Range
    destinationFolder = ThisWorkbook.Path     'Same folder as workbook containing this macro
    'destinationFolder = "C:\path\to\folder\"  'Or specific folder
    If Right(destinationFolder, 1) <> "\" Then destinationFolder = destinationFolder & "\"
    'Cell containing data validation in-cell dropdown
    Set dataValidationCell = Worksheets("test1").Range("B2")
    'Source of data validation list
    Set dataValidationListSource = Evaluate(dataValidationCell.Validation.Formula1)
    'Create PDF for each data validation value
    For Each dvValueCell In dataValidationListSource
        dataValidationCell.Value = dvValueCell.Value
        With dataValidationCell.Worksheet.Range("A1:I45")
            .ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=destinationFolder & dvValueCell.Value & ".pdf", _
                Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
        End With
End Sub
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Creative carla

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